Charitable Activities

The Padmashree Siddhyog Peeth has been taking active part in all social welfare programs, under the able guidance of Pujya Gurudev Rahuleshwaranandji, and has always set such an example that is ideal for all society. The Peeth has many plans for the future too, so that the dispersing society can once again be moulded into one single unity and mutual love can be instilled into the hearts of all so that everyone achieves the highest end of human life. The future plans of the Peeth are as follows

  • Gurukul: A Gurukul based on the Vedic principles will be established by the Peeth. Along with the modern education, the children will also be introduced to Vedas, Upanishads, and Yajnas etc. here. The children will be apprized of the human values like selfless service, love, righteous living etc. and helped to become good citizens of the country.
  • Shelters for Tribals: The poorest of the tribals will be given shelters. They will be helped in becoming self-reliant, so that their life becomes comfortable and prosperous.
  • Griha Udyog: Small scale industries will be started for the women and poor people, so that the problem of unemployment is solved and the women acquire a sense of self-respect.
  • Adoption of the Poor Village: The Peeth will adopt poor villages and start different projects there to ensure good living for the natives. Hospitals, Schools etc. will be built for them.
  • Universal Brotherhood and love: The saints of the Peeth will go to different parts of India and spread the message of mutual love and universal brotherhood through discourses.
  • Drug and Liquor control: The Peeth will start a program which will help in curbing the usage of drugs, tobacco, liquor etc. Those who are victims to such bad habits will be counseled and adequate measures will be taken for their treatment. Awareness against such habits will be spread in the society.
  • Gaushla (Cow Sheds) – A very big Gaushla will be established, which will house ill, handicapped and abandoned cows. Cows and bulls will be rescued from the slaughterhouses and kept here.
  • Ponds and Wells- Ponds and wells will be constructed in different places after getting permission from the govt. Such construction will not only help in making the environment green, but also in raising the water level.
  • Construction of Toilets: Toilets will be constructed in poor and backward areas of different states in order to check pollution and propagate hygienic living.
  • Assistance during Natural Calamities: A team of volunteers will be prepared by the Peeth, which will assist in areas affected by natural calamities like Tsunami, floods, earthquakes, famine etc. by providing medicines, shelters and food to the victims.
  • Team of volunteers for border areas: A team of volunteers will be prepared by the Trust, which will work hand in hand with the govt. in case of emergency.
  • Planting Trees: Barren land will be cultivated and made fit to yield useful crop. Many unemployed people will get work because of this. The trust has pledged to plant at least eleven million one lac eleven thousand one hundred and one trees.
  • Link between spirituality and science: The people will be informed about the scientific basis of spiritualism and the link between science and spirituality will be made clear. Interested people will be guided and given an opportunity to progress on this path.
  • Medical Camps: Medical Camps will be held at various places from time to time, so that poor and the underprivileged may benefit through them. Free services and medicines will be given to them.
  • Hospitals and research centre: A hospital will be constructed along with a research centre, where doctors and scientists of different parts will come and help in research work. The doctors will also extend their services to the poor.
  • Religious Unity: The saints of the Ashram will conduct discourses in different parts of the country stressing on secularism, religious tolerance and love. All religions teach love, selflessness and non violence. No religion teaches hatred and tries to divide humanity. The trust will try to implant this truth in the heart of all.
  • Orphanage and old age home: The trust will construct an orphanage that will take the responsibility of food, clothing and education of orphans. An old age home will also be constructed for unfortunate old people, who are alone or are abandoned by ungrateful children, so that they may enjoy a peaceful and dignified life.
  • Propagation of ancient wisdom: The ancient wisdom of India like Ayurved, Tantra, Mantra, Yantra etc. will be revived and propagated in the society. Sincere people will be given an opportunity to gain mastery in them.
  • Indian Traditions: Awareness will be created in different regions of the country, through discourses regarding the Indian traditions and culture, so that a new path is paved for the new generation.
  • Small Scale Industries: Several small scale industries will be started which will help in solving the problem of unemployment. On one hand it will increase production, while on the other it will provide work to thousands and boost their morale.
  • Mass Marriage: The couples from poor and backward families will be married. They will be provided all the necessary commodities that are needed for a comfortable living. They will be given such advice that will help them to become self-reliant.
  • Helping the poor children: Opportunity of free education by giving fees, books, school dress etc. will be provided to the poor children, so that they may become good law abiding citizens.